Recommendations to support Review of Dosettes
- That there is patient assessment to identify the most appropriate intervention to help people use their medicines effectively and safely
- Existing patients should not be stopped without warning
- That original packs of medicines are preferred in the absence of specific need for an MCA
- That carers have appropriate training to administer medicines from original packaging
- Best practice is followed where an MCA is assessed as the most appropriate intervention for a patient
- That policies and processes are reviewed or created that ensure they are patient-centred
- Are the risks associated with dosette trays eg: risk of no available PIL, risk for incorrect filling outweighed by the benefit to the patient?
- Has a review of ongoing need been performed in the last 12 months?
- Is the patient stable? Dosette trays should not be amended but where changes are required recalled, and re-issued with full new prescription for all items. Patients where changes are occurring are unlikely to be suitable for MDS or will require weekly prescriptions
Dosettes are to assist the patient, not to assist 3rd parties and it is prudent to review dosette provision where it is not the patient who is the primary beneficiary of the tray