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Here is a selection of our most popular pages
- The Medicines and Products Directory (MPD)
- Guidelines
- Formulary
- Formularies
- Shared Care
- TLS Category Key
- Shared Care Protocols & Proformas
- Infections
- South Yorkshire IMOC & Doncaster & Bassetlaw PMOC Information
- Contact Us
- Useful Links
- About Us
- Nutrition & Blood
- Endocrine System
- Respiratory System
- Controlled drugs
- Previous APC Actions Log, Terms of Reference and Annual Reports
- Doncaster Wide Wound Care Formulary
- Self Care Resources
- Palliative Care Guidance
- Cardiovascular System
- Obstetrics, Gynaecology & UT Disorders
- Dermatology
- Red, Amber and Specials letters to patients and specialist prescribers